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Please contact us by calling +62 0878 658 56260

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We would love to hear from you.


  1. hello my name is tom trzeciak
    and me and my girlfriend are coming to Lombok on the 16 of november. we were planning to do the volcano trek but i think that out so i was wondering if you need any volunteers for a couple of days to help with day to day duties. Just let me know via my email which is

  2. Hello. I have a rescue cat who appears to have an abscess on its right ear and neck. I have been treating it with warm salty water to clean and with anti-biotic powder for 1 week but it isn't healing.

    Do I need an appointment to come and see Dr. Gede?

    I live at Secret Garden, Kerandangan and am concerned the infected areas are getting worse not better.

    I do not have a car, but can take a taxi to your practice if you give me the address.

    Thank you,

    Di Somerton
